Department of Tissue regeneration, Institute of Biomedical Sciences,
Tokushima University Graduate School
徳島大学大学院 医歯薬学研究部 組織再生制御学分野
Practical use of new cell-free regeneration therapy based on the secretome derived from dental pulp stem cells from human deciduous teeth.
Regenerative therapy based on stem-cell transplantation holds great promise for treating number of intractable diseases. However, recent studies report poor survival of cell grafts, and suggest that stem cells improve disease condition primarily through paracrine/trophic mechanisms.
We have been focused on the remarkable tissue-regenerative activities of dental pulp stem cells from human deciduous teeth (SHED). We found that regenerative activities of SHED can be harvest as serum free conditioned media (SHED-CM). Intra-venous administration SHED-CM into various types of disease models, such as autoimmune diseases, CNS injury, diabetes, etc., substantially improves pathophysiological conditions and survival rate. We also have identified several critical therapeutic factors of SHED-CM. Now, we able to manufacture standardized therapeutic SHED-CM. The goal of our study is to develop a new cell-free regenerative therapy activating endogenous tissue-repairing mechanisms.